Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Words of wisdom on a bright morning !!

Another bright morning. Excited about the rest of the year for the days to come, that there are smaller work weeks inspiringly, but will this time beget quality in me is questionable. A poet is looking to flee in search of harmony with nature, where words would spring from the inspired rocks, like waters from where a river springs. There is enough of everything, seeking difference in altitude and experience, at work, in words, time and people. But change is within, needless to say. Static energy and I, the driver is missing, the wheels and the vehicle too (lol) !!

Abstraction is me and clarity is undoubtedly disturbing to those unsearching bliss and myth !

Love is so very the content of poetry that lives in romanticism.

The debatable strata of the mind is, "time is fixed". Thought, experice and feeling, the mind, body and soul of life, all race for the same time. Who gets to kill time, of course is the body. Where should one live is so amazing to excavate, and resolve, but the answer unfortunately is, experiences just are. Thinking about the feeling, feeling about thoughts and actions, both are invaluable, for they have no bounds of time and they live forever. But the fact remains that one loses experiences, while thoughts and feelings quickly creep around your arms binding you to be answerable to time that was given to you.

In a world, where I think and feel, I evade the experiences unknown. I realise to be held responsible for rehearsing and undoing what could have better got a thousand chances of re-take !!

Not to brood over much, the conclusion says, enjoy what you feel, for it is experience, question what you are unable to enjoy, for it is the power of thoughts, live aside people to unravel what others experience even as you have no clue about it, thats the power to feel !!

While Serah Caleb is still emerging out of my mind into the paper, I am evolving just to be !!

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