Monday, April 8, 2013

In a view such, I went so nuts

I saw those trees and clouds atop
Unseen was all that was behind
How dare you hide from me i said,
and took to hike heading afar
Land I saw, has its bounds rewind
The same hills, the trees and birds
I thought I've seen it all around
and headed back to gaze at this view
The mountains slept within my eyes and
I looked deep into water now
I saw little fish and the waters rush
wish I swam along the fish and
spot some birds as I float on my back
I trusted not the bounds of lands
and plunged into the water routes
I stuck myself to one canoe,
Red or blue i remember not
I began to row, imagined my trail, 
was great as vasco or sindbad's
Flights of Herons, kites, and bills I saw 
all of them flew, the cormorants not
he looked over the others from a rock
as though the hermit's life, forever paused
May be, he wondered who he was
his eyes ever seemed in doubt, as if, 
i heard him ask, "am i a fish or just a bird?"
may be he was just all above
I twisted and turned in rapids little
hurt my knees and ankles a bit
Waters told me, "You ain't a sailor yet"
I let my chin down and so did the sun
We both went our ways home
and let the river sing to the moon
They seemed in love and, quiesce agreed
I drooped over my lines until the dawn.....
to wake up and gaze again in awe
unable to pen the beauty I saw...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Man and Woman, as friends

Female Vs Girl friends, and Male Vs Boy friends, an interesting, and a very sensitive topic. I had this post drafted for a while, and just thought of letting the cat out. This blog is gyan, purely perspectives and bears no semblances to incidents or characters. I have many more drafts like this, pending attention, to be edited for language and style.

Looking at the diversity of friends around me, most of them, being men, I am sure, I am eligible to bet my words on this topic.

With the trust I have, will always, and with all due respect to my male friends, I begin to write to men who want to understand their world and be better.

What women look for, in this world, is a space to grow, an opportunity to exhibit their talents, acknowledgment and encouragement for it from their peers, who have been doing it for years. An environment, which does not make them feel weak or exposed. A place where, men don't treat her as an object. A place where she is not forced to allow rubbings on their skin, as a price to be accepted as an equal. I heard, men of quality, never fear women seeking equality. Now quality is a very very large commitment to life. But not very difficult to manage. It simply is a foot away, when needed !

Every relationship grows and matures, reaches stages where friends of opposite sex begin to feel indispensable about each other just as friends of the same sex do. Some choose to make this relationship work in a marriage, while others remain as they are. Some choose to flirt safely with friends, for they are confident of bearing limits. The relationship still claims respect, for the level of trust they bear. The latter requires, maturity, bold and frank discussions about how you feel about someone, even at weak moments. It is biological, and there is nothing to feel shy about it. Both men and women must be able to accept these gracefully as compliments and should be strong enough to let go of these, laugh over these as a simple joke. This increases respect for each other. It takes trust to discuss this, a bit of courage, and definitely, values.
Some, express these subtly, and want to acknowledge, give due respects, and move towards the next level of relationship, where, love as in affection, becomes, love as in love. Beauty !! Some stand apart, turning these into admiration for the other. They never lead the other into a spree of discomfort by their bold act of friendship.

Now to the sad part, some hide this, from their friends, thinking that the other doesn't know (or) feel the vibes. So foolish, of assuming you aren't watched by your friend, who probably knows you more than you think.

Lets grow up, be open and frank, create a happier communicated and connected world :) !!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Music Concerts

Sri Rama Seva Mandali music concerts 2010. Hope this serves as valuable entertainment to music loving bangaloreans!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Materialism and Unconditional love

Gluttoning across the table with my best friend around, is all I do, when I am in company of extreme emotions, trying to laugh it away in anything less than alcohol fervor, yes, the ice cream mania solves it all... barely managed 500 ml of ice cream today, seemed heavy against triple its volume that I can normally beat my stomach upto... !

Undigressing, I know am solitaire this hour, in company of myself, after a long time, thinking aloud, explaining to myself, all the unanswered questions being nocturn !

Materialism believes "matter is the only reality", and unconditional, means unrestricted and boundless according to Oxford and Webster.

Now, what do they mean to me? Every action word has its own protocols, Am only trying to find my vertices within the large scope of languages. In short, taking the easy way out.

Is it humanly possible to love someone unconditionally, in this materialistic world? .. May be a yes, and, May be a no. I too say, and feel as well, yet, the word "want" magnifies the hypocrite in me. While i am listening to this song now..  let me continue the blabber. Wanting from / of the other, is a double edged sword, in a relationship, that epitomises togetherness, intimacy and dependence. When someone says "I love you", it means that they wish, and, are sincerely trying to unlearn themselves to love unconditionally. They are successful at times, and not so at the rest. Expecting this in action, in its entirety, is the first mistake people commit. I know for sure that actions are stronger expressions than mere words, but shredding the material world and walking into boundless love does take time, and is too difficult to hang in there. So, one should keep trying to get there and be at it. While, I am at it like every other, my music plays Sudie's favorite, one of everything I like about him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Interesting finds !

I read Annabel-lee :) This one is simple, yet a beautiful verse.

Unforgotten English - Syntax and semantics
  • Bad luck, and I are best friends forever - Ironically, there is none called bad luck. Luck can only go sick, but not bad :) It is either luck or ILL-LUCK.. theegache? :)
Thoughts -
There is beauty in simplicity, and, this joy is forever truly!
Diffidence Vs confidence, another good tree talk gyan on ToI.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Reacting to pressure - Words of Wisdom !

The restless I. The guilt of not obeying myself, and yielding to whatever is demanded of, is there any other reason to feel disgusted about?

Thought for the day - Losing self-confidence on account of an external factor, means it has eaten you by itself. But why was it allowed to, in the first place? So, see, some questions dont have an answer.

My food for thought - What is the difference between living and being alive?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Unfulfilled wants, unattended needs - Wisdom bits

Depriving of 'that', which is a need, creates individuals who are dependant on the society, unable to be their best or even themselves. Some people feel so great about depriving people of what they need. Not sure why!

Not aiding people to get what they need, is as good as depriving. I believe that we should help people rise upto their needs. It is sad to find that the need is often for love and affection, that which seems to have become the costliet. Walking into social service sector, is a great eye opener, but it commands courage and emotional strength to be able to deliver the best they deserve.